《公園長椅》的故事以不同的地方作背景:包括寫字樓、一間自助商店和公園。影片透過八十六位法國知名演員演繹一連串的插曲來描寫凡爾賽區平常的一天。一眾法國明星如眾星拱月般為波達里斯的這部喜劇增添活力。情節佈局輕鬆巧妙,並且極之惹笑,本片以詩般的幽默手法探討各種形式的城市孤寂。 With Park Benches, the director closes a trilogy that began with A Night in Versailles (Best Short Film César 1993) and continued with Only God Sees Me (Best Debut Feature César 1999). Set in various locations – including an office, a DIY store... 展開
《公園長椅》的故事以不同的地方作背景:包括寫字樓、一間自助商店和公園。影片透過八十六位法國知名演員演繹一連串的插曲來描寫凡爾賽區平常的一天。一眾法國明星如眾星拱月般為波達里斯的這部喜劇增添活力。情節佈局輕鬆巧妙,並且極之惹笑,本片以詩般的幽默手法探討各種形式的城市孤寂。 With Park Benches, the director closes a trilogy that began with A Night in Versailles (Best Short Film César 1993) and continued with Only God Sees Me (Best Debut Feature César 1999). Set in various locations – including an office, a DIY store... 收起