簡介: A man goes against the laws of God and man to help a friend, with unfortunate consequences, in this stylish drama from Turkish filmmaker Dervis Zaim. The story begins with a brief prologue set in the 13th Century, in which a calligrapher is pleting a copy of the Koran and his assistant is sent out for ink so he can plete the project before an invading Mongol army attacks....
簡介:27岁的布兰姆(Cem Akkanat 饰)是在比利时移民城市安特卫普长大的土耳其青年,一直向保守父母隐瞒着性取向。他在餐馆遇到19岁当地少年凯文(Simon Van Buyten 饰)。凯文的妈妈是餐馆主人,她很早就猜到儿子的性取向并坦然接受。布兰姆的弟弟弗莰(Luk as De Wolf 饰)偏激冲动,整天在街上生事,一直被家里作为反面教材。当他发现哥哥喜欢男人的秘密后大肆张扬,结果反而被父亲暴打了一顿。为驱散流言蜚语,布兰姆的父母安排他回土耳其迎娶表妹艾丽弗(Gamze Tazim 饰),而布兰姆邀请凯文一起踏上了寻根之旅,两人的感情愈加难舍难分。 表妹把布兰姆视作奔向欧洲的跳板,而愤恨的弟弟受穆斯林原教旨主义影响,加入了极端组织。最终拒绝生活在谎言里的布兰姆选择取消婚事和出柜,被父母扫地出门,弗莰成为了全家所谓的“希望”。然而所有人并不知道,...
主演:托尔比约恩·哈尔 丽莎·卡勒希德 Ylva Fuglerud Mikkel Bratt Silset Peter Førde Daniel Alexander Skadal Per Egil Aske Tor Christian Bleikli 简·冈纳·勒伊斯 William Øksnevad Ingrid Anne Yttri Ingvild Holthe Bygdnes Sigurd Sele Igor Necemer Marit Røste Fanny Wear-Berg Øystein Mart
主演:乌富克·巴伊拉克塔尔 Mehmet Emin Güney Mahir Ipek Selim Erdogan 伊德里斯·内比·塔斯坎 Aslihan Kapansahin 梅廷·科斯昆 Nurhak Mine Soz Eray Özbal Yusuf Ziya Benli Cem Cücenoglu Bahtiyar Engin
導演:Orçun Benli
簡介: After the untimely death of his wife, 'Altan', who created a small, challenging but fun world for himself with his son 'Can', is a father who can make people laugh even in the most tragic moments.