主演:Melvin Jackson Jr. Allison Frosh Ellyana James Matthew Poole Christine Guerra Brandon E Hendrickson Rick Jermain Sophia Reaves Alisha Taylor Styles Michael Jones Audrey Parker Kameko Keenie Johnson Styles Brieanna Billups Aaron Johnson Tracie Jiggetts
主演:约翰·博伦 Matt Foyer Ralph Lucas Chad Fifer Susan Zucker Kalafatic Poole
導演:Andrew Leman
簡介:克蘇魯的呼喚(The Call of Cthulhu)在料理已故叔叔的瑣事時,一個男人偶然發現了一系列指向蟄伏在海底的古老惡魔的線索。傳說中“繁星正點”之時到來時,它將恢復自由毀壞人類文明。隨著調查的不斷深入,這個男人接觸到一個受離奇夢境困擾的藝術家,一個發現了崇拜“克蘇魯神”的古老邪教的警察,以及一群見到了克蘇魯真身而喪魂落魄的水手。
主演:Tommie Vegas Billy Brannigan Laurel Toupal Destinie Orndoff Ryan Poole 更多...
導演:Troy Escamilla
簡介:Six friends become prey for a sadistic psychopath when they decide to ditch their high schools after prom party for their own celebration at a secluded house.