黄雀在后 被害人 烈日之寒 You Are My Everything The Victims Myna Bird
A Creature Was Stirring
催眠裁决 Guilt by Design Hypnotize the Jury
饮恨温柔乡 A Black Veil for Lisa 死亡不分性别 La morte non ha sesso
芭芭雅嘎 Yaga: Koshmar temnogo lesa Baba Yaga: Terror of the Dark Forest
洪欣 郑浩南
提姆·阿贝尔 Jimmie Walker Sarah Lieving
塞西尔·德·弗朗斯 麦温 菲利普·纳翁 Franck Khalfoun
腥欲山庄(台) 暴力欲望的房子 The House of Violent Desire