簡介:Every year, a major football tournament for kids takes place in the Westman Islands, off the south coast of Iceland. This year, ten-year-old Jón, who is competing at the event with his team, will have to grow up faster than he expected, both on and off the pitch.
簡介:《亞洲警察之高壓線》(High Voltage 1994)香港便衣警探蔣浩華辦案時勇猛非常,時常立功,只可惜有時會違抗上司命令,過於火爆。其實華亦曾為一名嚴守記律之探員,但毒販狄克在臨走前為先除去心中之恨,竟在華面前將華妻殺害,從此華性情大變。後華被派往菲律賓引渡一名在逃線人蘇權返港上庭作證,實際上蘇因擁有菲律賓黑幫首領卡杜沙與狄克之犯罪證據,欲勒索他們而被追殺,故在菲律賓自動投案,盼能在警方保護下返港暫避,誰料在機場途中卻中途遭遇車禍,蘇權被冷槍射殺。破案的線索因此中斷,華獲准留下與菲律賓警方合作,繼續調查此案……。
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