簡介:While searching Las Vegas for the man who killed his famous father -- a wrestler known for his trademark tiger mask -- Chuji Kurenai (Bruce Locke) is drawn into an underground world where brutal fighters battle to the death. Promoter Bruce Rossner (Richard Lynch) keeps raising the stakes, finally forcing Chuji to fight three men at once. Barbara Niven, Stoney Jackson, Matthias Hues and Timothy Bottoms co-star in this martial arts-flavored action movie.@www.molikan.
簡介:Despite his devotion to his hometown of Salem, Massachusetts (and its legendary Halloween celebration), Hubie Dubois (Adam Sandler) is a figure of mockery for kids and adults alike. However, this year, something really is going bump in the night, and it’s up to Hubie to save Halloween…
簡介:商场保安保罗(凯文·詹姆斯 Kevin James 饰)的梦想是成为一名警察,但低血糖的体质让他在新泽西警察学校的考试中再次失败,保罗带着颓意返回家中,母亲和女儿给予安慰并劝说他再找一位爱人。保罗又开始了每天平淡的工作:指路或是被商场的孩子们捉弄,但今天,他的目光被假发柜台的艾米(杰玛·梅斯 Jayma Mays 饰)深深吸引,保罗希望在艾米面前彰显男儿本色,但无奈庞大的身躯和偏弱的体质总是令他的自尊受损。这天,一群匪徒占领了商场,计划对店面和银行进行暴劫,而躲在游戏厅中的保罗对这一切浑然不觉,当他赤手空拳面对劫匪时,剩下的只有逃跑,然而保罗意识到艾米被劫为人质时,他决定不顾一切返回商场……