簡介:Herzog takes a film crew to the island of Guadeloupe when he hears that the volcano on the island is going to erupt. Everyone has left, except for one old man who refuses to leave. Herzog catches the eeriness of an abandoned city, with stop lights cycling over an empty intersection.
簡介:Giant Dragon fights, giant monster fights and some kung fu in this fantasy epic from Taiwan also known as Prince of the Dragon King. The dragon turns into human form early on in the movie and goes on some magical quest.
簡介:Winnie the Pooh 是英国作家 A. A. Milne 笔下一只十分爱吃蜂蜜的熊,他其实是一个小男孩 Christopher Robin 的玩具熊,Robin 想像他和这只熊住在一个叫“百亩森林”的地方,当地还有许多其他的动物邻居伙伴们,像是兔子 Rabbit、小猪 Piglet、跳跳虎 Tigger …等等,这一切的故事都是 Robin 所想像出来的。迪士尼首度於1966年推出“小熊维尼与蜂蜜树”立刻深获好评,之后的“小熊维尼与大风吹”更拿到当年奥斯卡金像奖最佳短篇动画奖项,“小熊维尼与跳跳虎”也获得提名,所以在1977年时,迪士尼将此三部 Pooh 的短片集合成一部电影在戏院上映,成为迪士尼的第22部经典动画-【小熊维尼历险记】。本片录影带原本在美国都是三段分开来发行的,一直到1996年才首度正式发行完整电影版的录影带,一上市居然大热卖!Winnie the Pooh 还真是迪士尼人气最旺的小熊啊!